Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Festive treats.

6 hours on a train and i arrive in NEWCASTLE. i went home for the festive season- apart from it didn't feel to festive it needed to snow. time to hit the sherry, that'll fix it a christmas tipple. mother hen recently moved home so found my-self roaming the country-side in a taxi predicting where i now lived...i used a life line and text a friend. eventually found it and a warm welcome home. Home is where the heat is... i miss an open fire. 

Turquoise theme christmas 

any one got an iPhone? get instragram (it's freeeee) amazing photography app, kinda like the twitter/ Facebook world of following and likes. i like, i love even. my mum likes a theme at christmas. Ours this year was TURQUOISE and BLACK! non of that tinsel malarky. Since I've moved out my family got a pet- a cat called jackamo. I'm allergic?!?! i hate him and he hates me. he is pretty thought.. can a male be pretty? 

Jackamo and shoes(Newlook) 

Great Nanna Palmer
also visited my family and the head of the family- Nanna Palmer. she's a beaut isn't she. 92 this year... wow thats old. love her pink dressing gown- she's got an array of colours. She's a storey teller and may add a few fibs to colour it out- 1 being she's convinced were related to royalty even got out the family tree. Nice. My family is a very female dominate family- 14/4 exact numbers.. i think. 


apart from family, cats and christmas trees i met up with my friends, photographed a wedding and ate more cheese. Scott also visited the Geordie land, where he got rinsed by my younger sisters for his southern accent. New year came and new year went, spent some time with my mum who is my idol and came back to reality with a BOOM!  

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